English Vocabulary
GAT General Test
English Vocabulary: learn these meanings and you will get 50+ marks in GAT General Test English portion (1-40). total 1015 words.
English Vocabulary: learn these meanings and you will get 50+ marks in GAT General Test English portion (1-40). total 1015 words.
Abated | consequence | frown | mundane | scalpel |
abbreviate | constellation | funnel | musket | scandalous |
abduct | contaminated | fur | mutineer | scanty |
abhor | contrary | furlong | mutinous | scarce |
abilities | contradictory | furtive | muzzle | scarcity |
abominate | controversial | futility | narrate | scions |
abounded | conviction | gadget | natives | scold |
abstained | cosmetology | garrulity | necromancy | scream |
abstemious | cosmopolitan | garrulous | negotiate | scrupulous |
abstract | cosmos | gauche | nexus | scrutinizing |
accent | counselor | gauge | Nicaragua | scrutiny |
acclaim | coup | gauge | niggling | sculptor |
accumulate | courteous | geysers | nomadic | Scylla |
acquaintance | courtroom | giddy | nonchalant | sectary |
acrimonious | cover up | giggle | notorious | secular |
adapt | cower | glared | nova | sedulity |
adhesion | cozier | glorify | novelty | seize |
admonish | cram | gluttonous | novice | seminal |
adobe | cramp | gluttony | nugatory | senility |
adolescence | crane | gourmet | obfuscate | sentimentality |
aerate | crater | grandiloquent | oblivion | serenade |
aerie | cravat | gregarious | oblivion | serene |
affirm | craving | grimaces | oblivion | serrated |
affluent | credulous | grin | oblivious | servile |
aggressively | crimson | grind | obsequious | shabby |
agile | cringing | grips | obsolete | shroud |
agitator | criticize | groan | obstacle | shrunk |
agreeable | crochet | grovel | occluded | siesta |
alacrity | crone | guffaw | occult | simmer |
alarmist | crooked | guffaw | occupied | simultaneous |
alchemy | crooked | gull | oddly | simulated |
alert | croon | gullible | odoriferous | sinewy |
altimeter | crude | gush | opaque | singly |
altruism | cruise | hail | opera | skeptic |
altruist | cruiser | halcyon | opponent | skeptical |
altruistic | culpable | halo | oppressive | skirmish |
ambiguity | cupid | hamlet | ordinance | skull |
amble | curator | haphazard | ore | skyrocketed |
ammunition | curbing | harbor | oriole | slake |
anarchy | cure | hardened | ornamental | slaughter |
ancillary | curry | hassock | out break | slavery |
anecdote | cursory | haughty | pacifier | sled |
angelic | curtailed | haunt | palace | slender |
angler | cynosure | hawk | pal eolithic | slipshod |
anonyms | dampness | hedonist | palisade | slop |
anthology | damsel | herd | paltry | slovenly |
anthropology | dapple | herd | panegyric | sluggish |
anticipate | dapple | heredity | panhandler | slurp |
antifreeze | darn | hoard | paramount | slyness |
animosity | dauntless | hoax | parched | smash |
antipathy | debauch | hoax | parchment | snipe |
antiseptic | decay | hog | parry | soak |
anxiety | deceit | hoist | partisan | soccer |
apathy | decimate | hone | passes | sonnet |
ape | decrepit | hovel | passive | soothe |
aperture | defensive | howling | patent | soothing |
apostle | defying | hull | pathetic | sophist |
appall | dejected | humanitarian | patron | sophisticated |
applauded | deliberate | humdrum | petulant | soprano |
applause | delinquent | humid | paucity | spats |
appliance | deluged | hurdle | pebbles | spatter |
appraise | demagogue | hygienic | peerage | spatula |
apprehend | desperado | hymn | pellucid | spawn |
apprehensive | despondent | hypnotic | penetration | speculations |
apprise | deter | hypocrisy | peninsula | sphinx |
approbation | devoid | Hyrum | penury | spire |
archipelago | dexterous | iceberg | perdition | splice |
architect | diaphanous | iconoclast | perfidious | splinter |
archivist | diatribe | illicitly | perforate | sporadic |
arctic | dictatorial | illusive | persecuted | spurious |
ardent | diffident | immersive | persuasive | squanders |
aria | diligent | immortality | pesticide | squeal |
aristocracy | diligent | immune | petty | stabilized |
arrest | diminutive | impair | phlegmatic | stag |
arrhythmic | diopter | impeach | phoenix | staircase |
arrogance | duplicity | impetuous | pickups | stallion |
arrogant | disarming | implausible | pilfer | stammer |
artifact | discredited | implicate | pinto | starred |
ascertained | discrete | implied | pioneer | steed |
ascertaining | disdain | impure | piteous | steer |
ascetic | disgruntled | inane | pithy | stifle |
ascetic | dishevel | inconspicuous | pitiful | stilted |
asphalt | disparage | incredible | placid | straighten |
assessed | dispelled | indebted | plainspoken | strained |
assures | disperse | indecisive | plaintive | strait |
asylum | disseminate | indigenous | paltry | strip |
atheist | distressed | indulgent | plausible | stroll |
attributed to | divisive | inedible | Pleistocene | stronghold |
attic | docile | ineffable | plutocracy | strut |
audacity | doctrine | inert | pogo stick | stultify |
auditions | doe | inevitable | poignant | stumble |
auspicious | dogmatic | inevitable | poke | sty |
austere | dogmatic | inference | polygamy | suave |
austerity | dolt | inferior | pork | subjugate |
autumnal | dominate | influx | portly | subpoena |
aver | doodle | ingratitude | posterior | subservient |
awestruck | dour | inimical | praise | substantial |
ballade | dovetail | inimitable | pram | subterranean |
balletomane | downpour | initiating | prattle | succinct |
bankruptcy | drizzle | innuendo | precision | summoned |
banquet | dubious | inquisitive | preclude | superfluous |
barren | dubious | insane | predetermined | supplant |
bawdy | dusk | insensitive | premature | supple |
beatitude | dwindled | insipid | premises | supple |
beetle | eagerness | instinct | perpetual | servile |
befitting | easel | instrumental | preserve | susceptible |
bellwether | ebullient | insular | pretentious | sustained |
beneath | eclipse | intellectual | preternatural | swagger |
benevolent | ecosystems | intelligible | prevailed | swallow |
berate | ecstasy | intermittently | prevalent | sweat |
bibliography | ecstasy | interrogate | primitive | swift |
bibulous | ecstatic | intimidate | procrastinate | swirl |
billow | edify | intricacy | prodigal | sybarite |
binoculars | elephantine | intrigue | profligate | systematic |
bitter | elevated | intrinsic | profound | tactile |
bizarre | elevation | invigorate | profusion | tango |
blaze | elicit | irk | profusion | tawdry |
blemish | emaciate | irrepressible | proliferate | tedious |
blithe | embezzlement | jack | prolific | teeming |
blizzard | emote | jaundiced | prolific | teetotaler |
blunt | empathy | jerky | Prometheus | temptation |
bluster | empirical | jog | promote | tempered |
bluntness | encore | joggers | proponent | temple |
boar | encore | joust | proprietorship | tempt |
bolster | enervate | juvenile | prosaic | tenacity |
bolt | engrossed | kiln | prosecutes | tenant |
boorish | engrossed | kneel down | proselyte | terse |
boredom | enlighten | knight | portaging | tether |
bough | enormity | knots | protagonist | theorist |
bourgeois | envious | lacerate | provenance | thorn |
bowdlerize | envisage | lair | provocation | threefold |
brazen | epicurean | lancelets | provoke | tincture |
brevity | equine | lariat | prudent | tiptoe |
bribe | equipoise | latent | puck | tirade |
bridging | equivocal | laudatory | pudding | topcoat |
briskly | eradicate | lauded | puerile | torpid |
brittle | erroneous | laurel | pugilist | torpid |
bronze | erudite | lax | pugnacity | torpor |
brusque | eschew | leaden | pungent | torture |
buck | espouse | lean | pursue | tranquil |
buffet | ecstasy | elegant | putter | transgenic |
bulwark | esteemed | lessen | quack | transitive |
buoy | ethics | liberty | quaint | trauma |
bursitis | eulogy | liking | quill | treachery |
burst | eulogy | limn | quizzical | tread |
calcify | evade | limousine | rabble | trench |
caliber | evince | limpid | radiance | trespass |
calipers | exacerbate | lionized | radioactive | trickle |
callow | exalt | listless | ragamuffin | triplet |
candor | excavated | liturgy | raisin | trivial |
capricious | excite | livelier | rally | torpid |
capture | exculpate | loathing | rankle | trot |
carvings | exhume | lobster | rapacious | trout |
castigate | exhuming | lofty | rattle snake | trowel |
catalyst | exorbitant | loft | rebel | truculent |
celery | exotic | loitering | rebellion | tumult |
censored | expedient | loom | rebuff | turbulent |
chain saw | explicitly | loquaciousness | rebuke | turquoise |
chaotic | explosion | loutish | recital | unclogged |
charcoal | extemporaneous | lucrative | reckless | underling |
chariot | exterminate | lull | reclusive | unruffled |
charlatan | extol | lumber | rectify | unscrupulous |
chasten | extravagant | luminary | reclusive | unyielding |
chattering | falcon | lumped | recuperate | upbraid |
chevrons | fallacy | lute | recapture | urbane |
chide | fallow | luxuriant | redundant | vacillating |
choir | familial | malefactor | regicide | varsity |
choleric | famine | malinger | regiment | vascular |
chorus | fanciful | malingerers | regroup | venison |
churlish | fastidious | mammalian | relapse | venom |
cinnamon | fawn | manacle | rely | venison |
circumnutates | feasible | maniac | remembrance | verbiage |
circumnutating | feast | martinet | remitted | verbose |
clarinet | feeble | maudlin | replete | verbosity |
cloister | feline | maverick | reptile | verdant |
clone | felon | maverick | repulsive | vernal |
clown | felonious | meager | reservation | vessel |
clump | feminine | medley | resolute | veteran |
clump | fervent | medieval | resolved | viable |
cluster | fiasco | mediocre | resonating | vicious |
coarse | fickle | meek | retaliated | vigor |
coax | finicky | melancholy | retaliation | vigorous |
cocoon | flaccid | mendicant | reticent | violate |
cognet | flawed | mentor | retort | violin |
collapsed | fledged | merciful | reverence | viper |
colt | flesh | mercurial | reversal | vise |
comatose | flints | meticulous | revisit | vitality |
combustible | flipper | mettle | ridicule | vixen |
compiler | flirt | mildew | rigid | volley |
complacent | flock | mill | rind | volley |
flounder | minaret | rival | vulnerable | |
composure | flurry | minatory | roe | warden |
concise | foal | miscreant | rue | wardy |
concomitant | foe | moat | rupture | weird |
condemn | foible | modest | rustic | whelp |
condone | follower | molasses | ruthless | whip |
confined | folly | monarchy | sabotage | whir pool |
conform | fodder | morass | salient | whish |
congenital | forensic | morose | salvaged | wicked |
congested | forte | mortar | sanction | witnesses |
congress | fortitude | mosses | sauerkraut | wrench |
connive | frantic | mourn | savanna | yawn |
consequence | frigate | mumble | scalp | yearling |
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